Experts Meeting 1

March 26, 2020 - GoToMeeting, Switzerland

09:00  Welcome and Introduction of the program
  Tobias Hirsch and Andreas Häberle
09:15  Structured Introduction of all participants
10:15  Market Survey on Solar Process Heat
  Bärbel Epp
10:30  Subtask A: Integrated energy systems
  Felix Pag, Ulrike Jordan
11:30  Coffee break (unfortunately you will have to get your own coffee)
12:00  Subtask B: Modularisation
  Eduardo Zarza
13:00  Lunch break
14:00  Subtask C: Simulation and design tools
  José-Miguel Cardemil
15:00  Subtask D: Standardization/Certification
  Vassiliki Drosou
16:00  Coffee break
16:30  Subtask E: Guideline to market
  Peter Nitz, Jürgen Fluch
17:30 Digital formats for future meetings
  Ulrike Jordan
  Any other business, final remarks
18:00  End of the meeting