IEA SHC Task 62 - 8th Expert Meeting

April 5, 2022 - Graz, Austria

In the name of Task Manager of Task 62 Christoph Brunner and on behalf of the Subtask-leaders Joachim Koschikowski (Subtask A), Isabel Oller (Subtask B) and Mikel Duke (Subtask C) we would like to invite you to our 8th Expert Meeting of IEA SHC Task 62: Solar Energy in Industrial Water and Wastewater Management.

After a long period of online meeting we are now happy to announce, that we plan to have a physical meeting from 5th of April 2022 in Graz (Austria). The meeting will take place around the international conference ISEC 2022. Further we already had talks with the Operating Agent of IEA SHC Task 64 ( about having a joint meeting, to enable exchange on different solar heating and cooling Tasks.

If you are interested in joining the meeting please send me your feedback to Sarah Meitz (

As the meeting will be held around ISEC 2022, I would also like to raise your attention to register for the conference!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us - Christoph Brunner ( or Sarah Meitz (

The morning of April 5th will include a joint session with SHC Task 64: Solar Process Heat and the new SHC Task 68: Efficient Solar District Heating Systems.

Meeting Contact

Sarah Meitz