Konferenz: Die Sonnenhülle zwischen Veränderung und Koexistenz im Gleichgewicht der Orte
Posted: 2019-07-01
With the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) / Bundesam fuer Energie (BFE) and EnergieSchweiz, as well as cooperation with the magazine Hochparterre, SUPSI has organised an event on solar energy on 5 July 2019 in Lugano-Canobbio. The conference featured presenations on the integration of solar energy into historic buildings, energy-efficient renovation and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) into architecture. Furthermore, the magazine Solaris 03 has been presented together with the platform solarchitecture.ch. Task59's Daniel Herrera presented the Task and other related projects dealing with the integratino of photovoltaics in historic buildings.