IEA SHC Task 53 - Presentation during IEA PVPS Task 17 Symposium

May 9, 2016 - Linz, Austria

Demand side flexibility is needed in order to effectively integrate renewables and distributed generation in the future energy system. The enabling of flexibility involves many different aspects – from the technical capabilities of equipment (e.g. heat-pumps, storages, photovoltaic systems), consumer behavior to aggregation for market participation – and will lead to new services for the energy system. These aspects are targeted by various technology collaboration programs of the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Experts from these energy technology initiatives will discuss recent research results, technology options and international activities together with academics, distribution network operators and representatives from industry.

A specific presentation of Task 53 and the role of Solar heating and cooling in the Demand Side Management has been achieved and can be seen below :

Solar Heating & Cooling Task 53 – Integration of Solar Energy at the demand side Tim Selke (AIT, Austria)

The main objective of this Task is to assist a strong and sustainable market development of solar PV or new innovative thermal cooling systems. It is focusing on solar driven systems for both cooling (ambient and food conservation) and heating (ambient and domestic hot water).

All the other presentations happening in the Symposium are available here