IEA SHC Task 55 - Kick-Off Meeting

October 19-21, 2016 - Hotel Weitzer, Graz, Austria

Tentative Agenda

19th Ocotber 2016: Starting with the Meeting 1 pm - 6 pm
20th October 2016: Meeting 9 am – 6 pm
21th October 2016: Technical Tour (SDH in Graz)

Task Dinner: 19th October 2016 at 7.30 pm

Meeting Location

Hotel Weitzer,  Grieskai 12 - 16, 8020 Graz, Austria

Rooms at Hotel Wiesler (50 meter to the inner city) for around 150 EUR/p/n, Code "IEA SHC Task 55"
Rooms at Hotels with reduced rates are located nearby as well

Meeting Information

How to participate in the SHC Task 55

Please contact the OA if you want to contribute to this Task!

Disseminations of your research results or products for large scale solar district heating and cooling are welcome.

Organisation of Task contributions: Active projects in your institution can finance your task contributions. In case you have no active projects, ask your ExCo-Country representative for funding opportunities in you country:

It is not possible to participate in the Task without agreement/consultation of your national ExCo member! If your country is not member yet, it is also possible to participate in the Task, but in a limited way as observer– please contact the OA for further information. It is possible to participate at the Kick-Off Meeting without being a formal participant in Task 55!

If you have questions on the IEA SHC programme, please follow this link: