IEA SHC Task 53 - Solar Cooling Workshop

April 12, 2018, 9:00 AM - 3:15 PM - ILK Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Solar Cooling describes the use of solarenergy (thermalor PV) to provide air-conditioning or cooling for food preservation.

The goal of a 4-year project (Task53) within the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency is to assist a strong and sustainable market development of solar PV new innovative thermal cooling systems.

One day after the final Task meeting the Solar Cooling Workshop hosted by ILK Dresden have been presented some major results of Task 53 to the public.

Several additional presentations from industry, researchers, consultants and architects have given a broad overview of recent developments in the sector.



Agenda (and links to download some presentations)


09:00 09:10 Welcome note

09:10 09:30 Solar cooling: worldwide overview and challenges Daniel Mugnier (Tecsol)

09:30 09:50 The role of solar heating and cooling in the German political energy and environmental objectives Annett Kühn (Projektträger Jülich (PtJ))

09:50 10:10 Development demand and optimisation potential on solar cooling - a technology view from cooperations with industry and optimisation studies Alexander Morgenstern (Fraunhofer ISE)

10:10 10:30 Technical and economic analysis of different solar cooling systems - summary of Task 53 results Daniel Neyer (University of Innsbruck / daniel neyer brainworks)

10:45 11:05 PCM integration in household refrigeration appliances for demand management in smart grid systems Andreas Krönauer (ZAE Bayern)*

11:05 11:25 Intermediate Results of the German SolarSplit-Project - Part ZAE Bayern Richard Schex (ZAE Bayern)

11:25 11:45 Intermediate Results of the German SolarSplit-Project - Part ILK Dresden M. Richter, C. Heinrich (ILK Dresden)

11:45 12:05 Offgrid photovoltaic cooling systems with ice block generation  Jörg Waschull (ILK Dresden)

12:05 12:25 Results from feasibility studies of solar cooling systems in Mexico and the Arab Region Uli Jakob, (SOLEM Consulting / Green Chiller Association)

13:10 13:30 Solare Kühlung in der Architektur Johannes Hegger (HHS PLANER + ARCHITEKTEN AG)*

13:30 13:50 Autarkic cooling via building skins - Results from Coolskin-project Tim Selke (Austrian Institute of Technology)

13:50 14:10 Power-to-Cold using vacuum ice slurry technology in the scope of German WindNODE project Mathias Safarik (ILK Dresden)

14:10 14:30 SunOyster Cooling System - Concentrated solar systems for cooling generation Johannes Kneer (SunOyster)

14:30 14:50 New developments and applications in solar cooling with Invensor adsorption chillers Eleni Kontogeorgopoulou (Invensor)

14:50 15:10 WEGRACAL C - New water/LiBr absorption chillers based on plate heat exchangers Mathias Safarik (ILK Dresden)

15:10  Farewell coffee and Technical tour through ILK (Institute for Air-Handling and Refrigeration)

* : Only distribution to participants