IEA SHC Webinar: Solar Energy in Industrial Water and Wastewater Management

May 9, 2018, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CET

This upcoming IEA SHC task is in his final definition phase and leaded by AEE INTEC together with Fraunhofer ISE, Plataforma Solar de Almería-CIEMAT and Victoria University. The purpose ot the task is to improve the conditions and increase the applications of solar driven separation and water purification technologies in industrial applications in order to push the solar water treatment market, solve water problems at locations with abundant solar energy resources and reduce the fossil-fuel consumption.

If you would like to be part of new innovations in the field of solar energy in industrial water and wastewater management join the Webinar to get detailed information and how to contribute. The Webinar will focus on:

  • Background and scope
  • General objectives
  • Core activities of subtasks
    • Subtask A - Thermally driven water separation technologies and recovery of valuable resources
    • Subtask B - Solar Water Decontamination and Disinfection Systems
    • Subtask C - System integration and decision support for end user needs
  • Discussion and participation

Date: 9th of May

Time: 11 – 12 am


Registration is free, but we request that you register for the webinar using the link below: