Task 65 2nd Subtask A activity meeting - Virtual

July 12, 2021, 4:00 - 6:00 PM CEST - GoToMeeting, Germany

The second Subtask A activity meeting will be carried out in virtual format.

Interested experts should register and contact by email the Subtask Leader (see contact person).

(all times below are Central European Summer Time CEST)


16:00 Welcome and Introduction

16:10 Roll Call

16.25 Overview on Subtask A Activities. The foreseen activities within the Subtask A are the following:
• A1: Climatic Conditions & Applications
• A2: Adapted components
• A3: Adapted Systems
• A4: Building and process optimization potential
• A5: Standardization activities

16:35 Introduction/Status report of activities in subtask A from leaders:

16:35 Activity A1: Climatic Conditions & Applications – Update and Milestone Status (Manuel Riepl)

16:55 Activity A2: Adapted components – Update and Milestone Status (Salvatore Vasta)

17:15 Activity A3: Adapted Systems - Update by Manuel Ostheimer (UIBK) and Amir Jodeiri Khoshbaf (EURAC)

17.25 Activity A4: Building and process optimization potential - Update by Apeksha Shandilya (NB)

17:35 Activity A5: Standardization activities – Short update (activity in stand-by, Alessio Sapienza)

17.40 Any other business, final remarks

18:00 End of meeting

Meeting Contact

Salvatore Vasta