IEA SHC Task 66 - Industry Workshop No 2, Combined with EuroSun 2022

September 29, 2022 - Kassel, Germany

The IEA SHC Task 66 Industry Workshop No 2 was held on September, 2022 in Kassel, Germany, combined with EuroSun 2022

Task 66 Industry Workshop No. 2 - Agenda


Note: The presentations can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the red text

Welcome, Introduction and Presentation of Task 66
Dr. Harald Drück, Task Manager of Task 66
Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage (IGTE), University of Stuttgart, Germany

PVT heat pump collector as innovative energy supply solution
Andreas Siegemund, Consolar Solare Energiesysteme, Germany

VirtuPVT: evacuated-tube technology for commercial and industrial applications
Maria Zagorulko, Naked Energy Ltd., UK

Design and optimization of CCHP for microgrids and solar energy buildings
Dr. Arun Kumar Vaiyapuri, STEAG Energy Services (India) Pvt. Ltd., India

Intelligent heat pump solutions in combination with photovoltaics
Markus Hainzer, iDM Energiesysteme GmbH, Austria

Presentation of latest Task 66 Subtasks results

Introduction: Task66 Video
Moderation: Dr. Harald Drück

Highlights of the activities in Subtask A
Boundary Conditions, KPIs, Definitions and Dissemination
Prof. Frank Späte, OTH Amberg-Weiden, Germany

Highlights of the activities in Subtask B and C
Thermal stand alone Buildings and Building Blocks / Communities
Thermal grid connected Buildings and Building Blocks / Communities
Elsabet Nomonde Noma Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Highlights of the activities in Subtask D
Current and future technologies and components
Thomas Ramschak, AEE - Institut für Nachhaltige Technologien, Austria



Meeting Contact

Claudia Scholl-Haaf