IEA SHC Task 66 - Industry Workshop No 4

October 9, 2023, 1:30 - 5:30 PM CEST (UTC+2) - Franziskaner Kloster Franziskanerplatz 4, 8010 Graz, Graz, Austria

Task 66 Industry Workshop No. 4 - Agenda


Note: The presentations can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the red text

Welcome, Introduction and Presentation of Task 66
Dr. Harald Drück, Task Manager of Task 66
Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage (IGTE), University of Stuttgart, Germany

Michael Gumhalter, AEE INTEC , Austria
Ralf Dott, Viessmann Climate Solutions SE, Germany
Dr. Boyuan Wang, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing, China
Solar energy supply concepts for buildings and districts
Elsabet Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark


Meeting Contact

Claudia Scholl-Haaf - +4971168563611