Task 40 - 7th Experts Meeting

May 8-11, 2012 - Royal Continental Hotel, Naples, Italy

The 7th Experts Group Meeting of the SHC Task 40 / ECEBS Annex 52 will be held May 8-11, 2012 at the Hotel Royal Continental, Naples, Italy.


Hotel Royal Continental
Via Partenope, 38/44
80121 Naples, Italy


An informal sponsored dinner of the Task members will be held in the evening of Wednesday 9th at 1900 hrs. at special restaurant in the city centre (information to come). If you are attending, please indicate your preference on the registration form (Naples has a rich Italian cuisine that use dairy products in its recipes. Be careful if you have food allergies to such products).


There will be no registration fee. The Chamber of Commerce of Naples, through its special enterprise Cesvitec, will be sponsoring the meeting.


  • Preliminary Programme
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Hotel Information
  • Task/Annex Meeting Registration (May 8-10, 2012)
  • ENEA/EEN Event Registration (May 10-11, 2012)
    ENEA Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) bilateral meetings with Task/Annex experts


On the occasion of our meeting ENEA Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) BRIDGEconomies organizes a Bilateral Meetings event on Zero Energy Buildings Technologies and Policies. The event will be scheduled in the EEN official website official events list, and promoted within an by the EEN.  SMEs, Universities, Research Centers and public administrations involved in energy efficiency / use of renewables will have the opportunity to meet the Task 40 members in one-to-one meetings in order to:

  • exchange of ideas and information;
  • discuss on the ZEB Experts activities outputs;
  • transfer of know-how;
  • establish co-operation in the area of renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency.


There will be a technical tour on Friday, May 11, 2012 from 12:30 - 1900 to Pompeii. The aim of the tour is to show how the Mediterranean architecture works (in particular in terms of relationship between inside and outside) through the visit of selected places in Pompeii.  In addition to this, Pompeii offers the unique occasion to experience Roman principles of passive architecture.


If you have questions, please contact:

Meeting Contact

Josef Ayoub