Literature About Procurement

Co-operative Procurement - Market Acceptance for Innovation Energy Efficient Technologies
Co-operative Procurement - Market Acceptance for Innovative Energy-Efficient Technologies
Buyer Co-operation for Energy Efficient Appliances. Creative Buyer Groups with Goal and LCC Orientation – New Project Management Area. Paper for the Project Management Institute Conference
NUTEK: Purchasers' Requirements Dictate Development: A Study of Technology Procurement
Strategic Study on the Construction Sector. A large number of reports. Commission of the European Communities
Innovation, the Organised Market and the Productivity Slowdown. For The Technology Economy Programme. Technology and Productivity. The Challenge for Economic Policy
Networks and Market Creation. Research Policy, No. 20
Technology Procurement for Innovation in Swedish Construction
Innovation as an Interactive Process: From User-Producer Interaction to the National System of Innovation
Industrial Technological Development. A Network Approach
A Source of Novel Product Concepts. Management Science, Vol. 32, No. 7
Project SAPPHO, Phase II. Research Policy