As early as the 1980s, the use of thermal solar energy experienced a first boom in the area of water heating and the heating of swimming pools. At the beginning of the 1990ies it was possible to develop a considerable market in the field of solar combi systems for hot water and space heating. In the period between the year 2002 and 2009 the solar thermal market grew significantly and reached its peak in 2009 due to rising oil prices but also due to new applications in the multifamily house sector, the tourism sector as well as new applications in solar assisted district heating and industrial process heat.
After the phase of massive growth until 2009, the domestic market has been declining for more than thirteen years. This development is not only observed in Austria, but also in most European countries, with a few exceptions. For the past two years, however, there have been increasing installation figures again in some European countries. But not the Austrian domestic market, which again recorded a decline of 16% in 2022 compared to 2021.

Market development of solar thermal collectors in Austria until 2022, Source: AEE INTEC
By the end of the year 2022 approx. 4.6 million square metres of solar thermal collectors were in operation in Austria, which corresponds to an installed capacity of 3.2 GWth. The solar yield of the solar thermal systems in operation is equal to 2,063 GWhth. The avoided CO2-emissions are 369,890 tons.
In 2022 a total of 59,160 m² solar thermal collectors were installed, which corresponds to an installed thermal capacity of 41.4 MWth as the figure above shows.
In 2022, the area of exported collectors increased from 462,223 m² in 2021 to 535,285 m² in 2022. This increase led to an increase in the export share of thermal collectors produced in Austria from 92 % in 2021 to 95 % in 2022. Austrian companies are thus important suppliers on the world solar thermal market. The turnover of the Austrian solar thermal industry was estimated at 151,6 million Euros for the year 2022. Therefore approx. 1,300 full-time jobs can be numbered in the solar thermal business.