Commercial businesses can still benefit from the tax-reduction for energy investments (EIA), which comes to about 15% of the investment costs.
The ISDE support scheme was introduced in 2016. It is an investment subsidy. The subsidy level is based on the output according to the documentation of the European Energy Labelling system. The investment subsidy is €0,75 per yearly kwh produced for systems up to 10 m2. This is about €750 for an average system.
Folr large systems the feed-in tariff (SDE+-scheme) is applicable. This is a feed-in tariff that has been expanded to include large (>200 m2) solar heating systems. The feed-in tariff works using a tender system. The tariff is between €0 and €0.08 per kwh produced useful heat.
For solar buildings, the main incentive is the building regulation and local climate policies.
The so called TKI Urban Energy provides support for innovation of Solar thermal systems and integration of those systems in the building envelope. Subsidies are available for research, development and demonstration.