Executive Committee
The following lists the current IEA SHC Executive Committee Members from
Daniela Rolf
Project Management Jülich Energy System: End Use Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Lützowstraße 109 10785 Berlin Germany
Tel: +49 30 20199 3162 Email: d.rolf@ptj.de
Operating Agents
The following lists the Operating Agents for the currently active Projects (Tasks) from
Harald Drück
Institute for Building Energetics, Thermotechnology and Energy Storage (IGTE) University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 6 70550 Stuttgart Germany
Tel: +49/711 685 63553 Email: harald.drueck@igte.uni-stuttgart.de
Jan de Boer
Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics
Nobelstr. 12 70569 Stuttgart Germany
Tel: +49 711 970 3401 Email: jan.deboer@ibp.fraunhofer.de
Korbinian Kramer
Coordinator PVT Division Heat and Buildings Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2 79110 Freiburg Germany
Tel: +49 761 4588-5139 Email: korbinian.kramer@ise.fraunhofer.de