June 24, 2020 / 14:00 to 15:30 (PM - GMT/UTC)

This webinar will highlight the key data and findings of the two most recent SHC market reports: Solar Heat Worldwide 2020 by the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (IEA SHC) and Renewables 2020 - Global Status Report from REN21. In addition, the webinar will have a special focus on Greece, a country that has had continual market growth in the past 5 years and has also had great export successes.
The webinar will welcome the following three presentations:
- Vassiliki Drosou - Thermosiphon solar systems in Greece: An analysis of a success story
- Bärbel Epp - Solar Heating and Cooling industry and business trends 2019
- Werner Weiss - Solar Heating and Cooling global market development
The webinar will be moderated by Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe.
Q/A Session: The 90-minute webinar will include a 30 minutes Q/A session and a recording will be available online afterwards.
The webinar was organized by the Solar Academy of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Program and hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society.
Webinar Recording and Presentation
Three experts will speak during the 1.5 hours webinar.
Dr. Vassiliki Drosou
Vassiliki Drosou is Head of Solar Thermal Department of the Greek Research Center for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES). She is also the Manager of Solar Keymark Network (SKN), technical secretary of CEN TC312 "Thermal solar systems and components" and leader of Subtask D “Standardization and Certification” of the IEA SHC Task 64/IV “Solar Process Heat”. She is also a board member of the Greek Solar Thermal Industry Association (EBHE).
In her presentation "Thermosiphon solar systems in Greece: An analysis of a success story" Vassiliki will analyze
the multifactor success story of the thermosiphon solar systems in Greece, will discuss the historical reasons as well as the recent measures and parameters that contribute to the rising trend of the market. Additionally, the exporting activity of the Greek solar thermal industry along with shares and main countries of exports will be presented.
Bärbel Epp
Bärbel Epp is the founder and managing director of the German consultancy solrico – solar market research & international communication. She is responsible for the international newsletter on the web portal www.solarthermalworld.org, reporting exclusively about market and technology trends in the solar heating and cooling sector. For three years Bärbel Epp is author of the SHC chapter of the Annual Global Status Report on Renewables published by REN21.
In her presentation, Bärbel will present solar heating and cooling industry and business trends for 2019.
Werner Weiss
Werner Weiss is founding member of the Austrian research institute AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) in Gleisdorf and member of the Executive Committee of the Solar Heating and Cooling Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA). He is co-author of the study Solar Heat Worldwide and in his presentation, Werner will share key data on global market developments, added capacity in 2019, prospering applications, jobs and the contribution to emission reduction.
Moderator: Pedro Dias
The webinar will be moderated by Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe, Belgium. Mr. Dias holds a management degree from Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC) in Portugal and has extensive experience in both private sectors and the non-governmental sectors. Previously, he worked in the heating sector, more specifically in gas retail and commercialisation of heating equipment.